Message from the
President & CEO

Embracing a mission to fulfill as a highly respected industry partner,
DJK aims to realize a sustainable society.

Founded in 1948 as a trading company handling industrial machinery, the Company has been doing business for over 70 years. Having established Group companies and bases in Japan and overseas, we are implementing diverse business models rooted in each region, and are supporting manufacturers worldwide.

The environment surrounding us is confronted with a range of global issues, including climate change. We consider such issues as important business challenges and take active measures to address them.

As a member of a society that aims to achieve sustainability, we reviewed our mission, as well as the significance of our existence, and made clear how we should be as a company. Based on this, we have formulated a future-oriented philosophy, taking into account changes of the times.



Connecting People, Connecting Technology and Enriching the World.


【Next-generation engineering trading firm】
Striving to be a business partner that is one step ahead of the times, and that contributes to the growth of customer businesses and the realization of a sustainable society on a global scale by continuously providing value with our company’s engineering function as its core.


TRUST: We strive to be a company that is rewarding, respects individuals, and allows them to experience growth, while cooperating with internal and external parties to align our goals with the expectations of our stakeholders and our social responsibilities.

GROWTH: We aim to achieve continuous growth through aggressive investment in growth markets and expansion of business domains, while contributing to manufacturing through our unique engineering capabilities.

CONTRIBUTION: We contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by actively tackling important social issues through management transparency and continuous improvement of the quality of the company.

Under the new philosophy, we will continue to take action to demonstrate the significance of our existence to our stakeholders.

Representative Director, President & CEO Ichiro Uno